In order to handle information posted by third parties on servers we host that violates intellectual property rights, Zerowasty Store complies with the DMCA’s regulations. Violators might not be allowed to leave comments on our website. Please notify us using the form below if you feel that any material on our website violates your intellectual property rights and include specific information, such as:

  • Name, address, and digital signature you provided.
  • Information about the illegal items, including their URL on our website.
  • evidence that you are the rightful owner of the material’s intellectual property.
  • a declaration expressing your sincere view that the use of the content is not authorized by law.
  • An affirmation of the truthfulness of the notification and a declaration that you are the owner of the intellectual property rights or have the authority to act on their behalf, both made under penalty of perjury.

You have the choice to submit us a counter-notice if we receive a DMCA claim and subsequently delete the pertinent content you uploaded on our website. The counter-notice ought to contain:

  • Your name, address, contact information, and handwritten or digital signature.
  • Before removal, the substance must be located and identified.
  • a declaration made under oath that the item was deleted due to an error or misidentification.
  • Subscriber consents to the jurisdiction of the local federal court or, if overseas, the competent judicial authority.


You confirm that you have read and agree to the following by filing a DMCA report:

  • I firmly believe that the campaign’s material violates my rights or the rights of the campaign’s rightful owner and that using such content would be illegal.
  • Under penalty of perjury, I certify that the information above is true and correct, and that I am the owner of the aforementioned rights or the owner’s duly appointed representative.

Zerowasty Store

Head Office: 

563 Walden Ave, Buffalo, NY 14211, United States

Email: [email protected].